Sunday 28 October 2012

Saying sorry

I just wanted to tell you about the sweetest thing that happened in my class today which almost brought me to tears.

Recently, a lot of the girls in my class have been becoming quite competitive and haven't been speaking very nicely to (or about!) each other. I have been really saddened by this (they're so little still!) so I decided to try to nip it in the bud today by having a whole class discussion about how we speak to each other and how we want to be speaking words that build up others rather than bringing them down. I told the class that this was mostly for the girls (because they were the ones who I've been hearing the stories about) but it is good for us all to think about how we use our words as one of our class rules is to 'be nice to others'.

During this discussion a particular boy in my class started looking really sad, staring at the floor, downcast. As the discussion was coming to a close he put his hand up. Wondering what he could be asking (seeing as he hadn't done anything wrong as far as I knew) I motioned him to speak. He said, "Mrs Beasley, can I say sorry to everyone?" (I nodded) he then proceeded to look every student in my class in the eye naming them and apologising, almost in tears. The whole class was silent as he did this, most of them not really understanding why.

It was such a special, thoughtful moment that it caused tears to well up in my eyes! One of the students asked afterwards, "Why did he say sorry? He hasn't done anything wrong?" the boy replied that he could remember times where he had hurt each person and he wanted to apologise. So so beautiful!

I hope you are as touched by this sweet boy as I was.

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