Monday 15 October 2012

2011 WISE Summit

I was really inspired by this presentation given by Mrs. Kelly Wood (née Steeples). She was the 2010 national winner of the SSAT award for Outstanding New Teacher of the Year in the UK and has some really valuable, practical advice for teachers.

The things that particularly struck me are below:
  • Ownership – giving it over to the children exceed expectations
  • Understanding your pupils – building relationships, sparking their interests
  • Innovation – teaching innovatively and allowing the children to be innovative
  • Time management – work/life balance, time in opportunities, balance of being collaborative
  • Sense of humour – laughing along, experiences
  • Finding teachers who choose to be great
  • Target setting – ensure targets maximise the learning, how to set good targets
  • Teacher toolbox with alternative approaches
  • Awe and wonder – inspiring children and allowing them to have wow moments
  • Using media – enhances the learning and the teaching
  • High expectations – steel hand in a velvet glove
  • Be dynamic and inspirational – finding activities to allow the children to do something different
  • Parental involvement – inspire mornings
  • Fostering talents
Take a look!!

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