Saturday 20 October 2012

Marble Jars - Behaviour management

There are some things that I have tried this year with my class in terms of positive behaviour management routines which have worked really well so I thought it was about time to share them!

I have my tables organised into table groups with each table group linked to the topic we are studying in HSIE (Humans Society in it's Environment). Because we are learning about Wet and Dry environments this term my tables are: Alpine, Desert, Bushland and Ocean. Each table group has a jar with a picture of their environment on it. I give tables marbles to put in their jar as a reward for a variety of behaviours - improvement, listening. tidiness, working well, sharing, being helpful etc. At the end of each week we count up the marbles for each table and the table with the most gets a prize from me!

The kids really love it, and get SO excited every Friday when it's time to count the marbles. It's also really good for them to learn how their behaviour impacts those around them and how to work as a team. Not very expensive either! I just got some plastic jars from the $2 shop and a packet of about 100 marbles from there as well.

Bushland table's marble jar!

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